Conversion Rate Optimization

Conversion Rate Optimization in 2023!

Conversion rate optimization, or CRO, is the process of improving the percentage of visitors to a website who take a desired action, such as making a purchase or filling out a form. This is important in marketing because it can help businesses increase their revenue and ROI.


There are several reasons why conversion rate optimization is important in marketing. Some of the key reasons include the following:

1. Increasing Sales Conversions

By improving the percentage of website visitors who make a purchase, CRO can help businesses increase their sales and revenue.

This can have a big impact on your bottom line.

After all, it does not matter if you are an ecommerce or service based brand conversions and sales are the name of the game!

sales conversions

2. Improving Customer Experience

CRO involves analyzing and improving the customer journey on a website.

This can help businesses provide a better experience for their customers, which can lead to increased loyalty and repeat business.

It is not just about the products you offer or the pricing you provide – it is about giving a best-in-class experience to make a choice to choose your brand an easy one.

3. Keeps Your Brand Competitive

In today’s crowded online market, it’s important for businesses to stay competitive.

CRO can help businesses improve their website and make them more effective at converting visitors into customers.

Your competition is constantly improving to chip into the marketshare of your industry. And CRO will help you stay BEYOND competitive!

CRO For Paid Media!

CRO is critical to the success of any paid media campaign such as Google Ads and Facebook Ads.


Landing pages are a huge part of your campaign success.

Testing your landing page by making changes to its design, content, and other elements, over time, will increase the percentage of visitors who take the desired action such as filling out a form or making a purchase. 

One way to test the performance of a landing page is to use Google Ads or Facebook Ads to run a split-test, where different versions of the landing page are shown to different groups of visitors, and the results are compared to see which version performs better in terms of conversion rate. 


This can help identify which changes to the landing page are most effective at improving its performance.

Adding CRO to your paid media campaigns is a smart move, and Smarter Tactics can help you get it done right!

How The CRO Process Works!

1. Your Goals and Objectives

The first step in the CRO process is to define your goals and objectives clearly. 


What do you want to achieve with your website, product page, or landing page? What action do you want visitors to take? How will we measure the success of our efforts? 

Setting clear goals and objectives will help us focus your CRO efforts and determine which changes to make to your website or landing page.

2. Benchmarking Your Performance

The next step is to analyze your current website or landing page to identify any issues or challenges impacting its performance. 


This can include analyzing your traffic and conversion data, as well as conducting user testing or surveys to gather feedback from visitors.


By understanding the current state of your website or landing page, you can identify areas for improvement and prioritize which changes to make first.

3. Developing a Hypothesis

Once we have identified areas for improvement, the next step is to develop a hypothesis about how these changes will impact your website or landing page. 


For example, we may hypothesize that adding social proof to your landing page will increase conversions, or that changing the color of your call-to-action button will make it more noticeable and effective. 


Testing your hypothesis will help you determine whether the changes made are effective.

4. Implement Changes

The first step in the CRO process is to define your goals and objectives clearly. 


What do you want to achieve with your website, product page, or landing page? What action do you want visitors to take? How will we measure the success of our efforts? 

Setting clear goals and objectives will help us focus your CRO efforts and determine which changes to make to your website or landing page.

5. Testing and Measuring Results

Once we have implemented your changes, the next step is to test and measure the results. 


Often this comes from split testing, where different versions of the page are shown to different groups of visitors, and the results are compared to see which version performs better. 


By carefully measuring the results of your changes, we can determine whether they are effective and worth implementing on a larger scale.

By following this five-step framework, we can conduct a successful conversion rate optimization process and improve the performance of your website or landing page.

Getting Started With CRO!

If you’re looking to increase conversions and boost the performance of your website, consider working with Smarter Tactics, a leading CRO company. 


Our team of experts uses proven tactics and cutting-edge technology to help businesses like yours drive more qualified traffic to your site and convert that traffic into paying customers. 


Don’t miss out on the opportunity to take your business to the next level. Contact us today to learn more about how Smarter Tactics can help you achieve your goals.